UIE has released a new e-book, "The Designer's Guide to Web Applications", and as a promotion for the new book, they have released the first chapter (10 pages), "Structure & Flows" for free as a pdf.
The free chapter explains how to use Hubs to help architect an application structure.
Table of contents (the italics section is free):
1 Skeletons ....................................................1
1.1 The Hub ...................................................2
1.2 A Hub With No Data .................................5
1.3 The Interview ...........................................7
2 A Real Application: SupportSuite ..............9
2.1 A simple hub and spoke—or is it? ...........10
2.2 An interview appears! ............................12
2.3 Hubba hubba .........................................13
2.4 A hub for hubs .......................................16
2.5 Finishing touches....................................17
3 Revealing Structure in the Design ..........19
3.1 Tabs ......................................................21
3.2 Menus ...................................................23
3.3 Tab Menus .............................................26
3.4 Breadcrumbs ..........................................29
3.5 Links ......................................................32
3.6 Titles .....................................................36
3.7 Progress Indicators .................................37
3.8 Knowing which element to use ................39
4 Designing the structure ...........................40
4.1 Command Architecture ...........................40
4.2 Seeding the structure ..............................41
4.3 Enter the users .......................................42
4.4 As we learn more, more changes .............44
4.5 There are many possible structures ..........48
5 Creating a Winning Design ......................49